ISO 18295 – Contact Center

SS-EN ISO 18295-1:2017
Customer Contact Centers – Part 1: Requirements for Customer Contact Centers
SS-EN ISO 18295-2:2017
Customer contact center – Part 2: Requirements for clients using customer contact center services

ISO 18295 aims to improve service quality and contributes to clarifying expectations for clients and employees. It enables performance management and promotes satisfied clients and clients. This standard is intended to be used for all types of customer interactions with a customer contact center.

ISO 18295 consists of two parts.

ISO 18295-1 describes the requirements for both internal and external Customer contact center. It treats some
product and service issues that remain the responsibility of the client, and not the customer contact centre.

ISO 18295-2 specifies the requirements for the client who has given the assignment to Customer contact center (internal and/or external), aims to ensure that the customers’ expectations are met in a uniform manner.

Implementation of requirements from ISO 18295–1 and ISO 18295–2 creates value for customers, clients,
employees and customer contact centers through improvement and streamlined service and the relationship between
the client and customer contact center, enabling the delivery of a high-quality customer experience on behalf of the client.

ISO 18295
ISO 18295 is a new standard intended for contact centers and their stakeholders.
It’s about improving the experience for the customer, the end user who has a question. The standard mainly describes “what” and not “how”. It is therefore not a book with detailed rules, but describes what needs to be done to get an excellent customer contact. How this is set up is up to the organization itself, as long as it can be demonstrated that it contributes to excellent customer contact.

Scope of our accreditation

You can read via SWEDAC’s accreditation register which type of industries we are currently accredited for.

Do not hesitate to contact us even if your type of business is not in the list , as we we often take decisions to expand our accreditation with additional industry areas.

Do you need assistance with certification?

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