EN 16034 covers fire resistance and / or smoke control abilities including the ability to release and shut off. Safety and quality are crucial for the use of these products.
The manufacturer is responsible for the CE marking of their product.
For type testing of products, please use the testing standards according to instructions in EN 16034 and for the actual type testing of products, we refer to accredited testing laboratories.
A3CERT is a Notified Product Certification Body that independently and impartially ensures that the requirements for the production of the product and the product’s performance are met.
In our series of CE marking of doors, windows and doors, we are Notified Body for inspection in accordance with EN 14351-1 (exterior doors), EN 14351-2 (interior doors), EN 13241-1 (industrial, garage doors) EN 13830 – ( glass facades).
EN 16034 covers fire resistance and / or smoke control abilities including the ability to release and shut off. In association with
EN 14351-1 (exterior doors),
EN 14351-2 (interior doors),
EN 13241-1 (industrial, garage doors) and
EN 16361 (motorized wicket doors)
additional product features are covered.