Frequently asked questions & answers
Do you have more questions?
Below we have listed the most common questions regarding certification. If you still have questions or concerns, just contact us and we will get back to you shortly.
What is certification?
Certifying your business means that you have an accredited certification body such as A3CERT review your business and issue a certificate. This review is based on a certain standard (such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001) or certain regulations. The audit is called audit. When the audit is complete and you are approved, we as a certification body can issue the certificate. If you want to know more about the certification process, you can read more here.
What are the economic and market benefits of certification?
Certification is statutory for some businesses (for example, ECM for you with maintenance responsibilities for freight wagons), but it also plays an important role for other types of organizations. Certification acts as an outward quality stamp, and is something that strengthens your brand. The certification process itself also means a lot of profits internally. Working in a structured and conscious way to develop one’s business offers many advantages, not least an increased profitability. A certification is thus an important investment not only in terms of your work with, for example, quality, environment or work environment, but also financially.
Why collect certificates from one and the same certification body?
There are several benefits to collect your different certificates from the same certification body. Certification will be more cost effective, audits and other activities can be coordinated to save time and it will also be easier to have a contact for all certificates, rather than several.
If you are curious about how your certification work can be simpler and more cost-effective, we are happy to help you look at it. We can take over existing certificates at any time during a certificate period. No additional assessment is required and there is no additional cost for you.